After the big meal and once everything's been cleaned and everyone's gone home, Dave and I get to open presents from each other (yay!) =) We decided to keep my family tradition going of opening gifts Christmas Eve. We usually stay up pretty late, exchanging gifts and then playing with our new toys! Then Christmas morning, we head over to Dave's parents' house to open more gifts and to share Christmas breakfast together. Then we go home with our newly acquired treasures, play with our stuff, relax a bit--- then head back over to the Newcomer's to have Christmas dinner.
So to sum it all up... our tradition consists of food, family, gifts, and even more food! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and have a lovely time with your family & your very own traditions... I leave you with some images of my niece and nephews =) enjoy!

I'm re-posting this one because I can't take the cuteness!

little boys always have a trace of dirt or food on their face... no matter what!

aww James being a sweet older brother...

I love them... so sweet!