So far this has been my largest family portrait session... I had a great time capturing these 6 kids... 3 of them are actually students in my elementary school where I teach (my day job =), so knowing the kids made it extra fun... especially seeing them outside of the school setting... that day, I wasn't Ms. Thet--their teacher... I was their photographer... (and actually, their mom still made them call me Ms. Thet =) here are a few samples from our day... enjoy!

three beautiful sisters...

and another set of cutie patootie siblings...

a fun shot... love the little one all the way in the back =)

a few solo images of my sweet students... Lauren...


and Anthony...

they are truly such a sweet family!! thanks Laurie & Nancy for the help =) xo
Hey I know these babies!!! Oh I miss my kids!!!
Good Job MS. THET!!! :) AWESOME!
I simply adore the running shot and hand photo.
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