Remembering Dad...

Two years ago yesterday {March 28, 2008}, my Dad passed away.  My Mom held a memorial service on Saturday, which Dave and I flew up for (among other friends & family that joined us)... as I was thinking about posting this in bed this morning, I cried while a flood of memories came... losing somebody is never easy... and though years do make it bearable, the wound always feels fresh when missing that person... I want to keep this simple by just simply remembering my dad with some fond memories & pictures...

- Dad combing and blow drying my sister & and my hair while we ate breakfast....
- At home during the winter months, while I was getting ready for school, Dad would always warm the car up for me... turn the car on, crank the heat, then wipe the snow off the car so it was ready for me...
- He loved listening to me play the piano... at my wedding, I opted out of the traditional wedding march for a piano piece my late sister taught me -- one of my Dad's favorite pieces he loved to listen to....
- My dad could read all day everyday... he always borrowed at least 20 books a week from the library...
- He liked to joke around and make people laugh...
- He loved listening to classical music... we bought him many CD players and boom boxes along with many classical cds for birthdays and holidays...
- Their dog, Midnight, was daddy's little girl... after me, that is...

He was incredibly intelligent, generous, loving, funny, and loved...... and missed very much...

Mom & Dad...

very old pictures of Mom & Dad...

old pictures of Dad with my step brother and his family...

our family... the picture on the bottom right is the last Thanksgiving we spent with him...

miss you, Dad...


Maria Confer said...

This is such a beautiful post and an amazing way to remember a remarkable man.

Sending you all my love, Jamilah.


jamilah said...

Thanks, Maria... I appreciate the love =)