my hot, bridal shoes =)

So with only 9 days to go before my big day --- I really shouldn't be blogging, as there are a million other wedding stuff that I really need to be working on... Ok, not a million --- but enough to keep me a bit stressed... there's just not enough time in the day!

I have been dying to share wedding details with you... but of course, I have to wait to reveal all until after the wedding... on Monday, I stopped mid-cleaning to take some detail shots of my bridal shoes... the light coming through the french doors was very alluring, and I just had to stop cleaning-- and capture something with this beautiful lighting... so, I did... and I really wanted to share it with you!

Here are my wedding shoes that I absolutely love... they're elegant, sexy, comfortable, and affordable! I found these on, and got a really great deal! It was free shipping... & if I needed to return them, they pay for the shipping... can't beat that =)

can't wait to rock these out next week when we say I do =)

1 comment:

Matt and Talley Mac said...

OMG, 9 days really??? Oh gracious so soon!!! YAY!!!

You are in single digits now my friend! HOORAY!!

I love the last one with the rings, so very cool!!!!!