Happy Saturday!

I blogged my heart out all summer & everyday for two weeks straight, then totally went off the grid cold turkey... and for that, I apologize... this is going to be the trend for awhile... from now on (until next June) I will only have time to blog twice [maybe three times] a week... for those who don't know, last Wednesday was my first day back in school... as a teacher, that is... I had to put my teacher hat back on and refocus on the year ahead... as stressful as running a photography business & being a teacher can be... I just feel blessed being in two careers that I absolutely love... and in this economy... I feel blessed simply having a job at all... so I will definitely have a challenging year juggling two professions... but I have to admit... I enjoy the challenge =)

AND!! (I have to gloat just a little bit) I won 4th place at iheartfaces weekly challenge!!! Yay!!! Now and again I like to join the fun and enter their contests... which is centered on a different theme every week... last week's theme was "surprise" & with the perfect picture in mind... I just had to enter... and now, I'm glad that I did =) Yay!! How very cool!! Click the link to see the other winners =)

On another note, I want to thank my Fans/Likers! I really (really, really, really) appreciate your support! I am currently at 375 "Likes" (WOOHOO!), which is only 25 likes away from my oh so BIG giveaway!! So, please spread the word and "Suggest to [all your] Friends" beneath the profile picture on my page... click HERE to LIKE [or show your LOVE] =) [by the way, I heart you back]

I hope you all are having a delightful weekend... mine will be spent editing a wedding & 2 events... meeting a bride on Sunday... some cleaning... and hopefully blogging Ryan & Lily's wedding... here's what I'm working on at the moment... check back tomorrow for the rest =) Happy Saturday!!

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