Baby Vivian & Family

I had the pleasure of capturing baby Vivian (who's only 5 weeks old) along with her mom, dad, and even her grandmother... even though she was only comfortable sleeping in somebody's arm, we managed some adorable shots without disturbing her sleep too much... besides, sleepy baby pictures are so cute =) here are some of my favorites... enjoy!

three generations of beautiful ladies...

love this one...

don't you wish you could sleep like a baby??


Maria Confer said...

Beautiful! Vivian is just the sweetest thing ever!!

colleen said...

I can not believe how tiny and perfect she is! You have captured her newborn beauty perfectly!

Keep up the good work

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colleen said...

I can not believe how tiny and perfect she is! You capture her newborn beauty perfectly!

Keep up the great work.

<3 Coll